Mxhalanga Primary School
Public Primary School, Specialising In Primary Subjects. Local Municipality Is Amahlathi Local Municipality Located In The District Of King Williams Town.…Total views: 131
Ho?r Volkskool
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Camdeboo Local Municipality Located In The District Of Graaff-Reinet. Plasket Street,Graaff-Reinet,6280Total views: 130
Marheledwane High School
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Ngqushwa Local Municipality Located In The District Of King Williams Town.…Total views: 122
Ho?rskool J Olivier
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Makana Local Municipality Located In The District Of Grahamstown. Upper Robinson…Total views: 118
Ho?rskool Nico Malan
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Kouga Local Municipality Located In The District Of Uitenhage. 42 Du…Total views: 117
Ngqayi Junior Secondary School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Elundini Local Municipality Located In The District Of Mt Fletcher. Ngqayi…Total views: 115
Enqabeni Junior Secondary School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Mbizana Local Municipality Located In The District Of Mbizana. Enqabeni Agricultural…Total views: 102
Laer Volkskool Graaff-Reinet
Public Primary School, Specialising In Primary Subjects. Local Municipality Is Camdeboo Local Municipality Located In The District Of Graaff-Reinet. Jonerset Street,Graaff-Reinet,6280Total views: 94
Narsingstreet Public Primary School
Public Primary School, Specialising In Primary Subjects. Local Municipality Is Camdeboo Local Municipality Located In The District Of Graaff-Reinet. Narsings Street,Graaff-Reinet,6281Total views: 91
Siseko Senior Secondary School
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Nkonkobe Local Municipality Located In The District Of Fort Beaufort. Perksdale…Total views: 88
Maqhatseng Junior Secondary School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Matatiele Local Municipality Located In The District Of Maluti. Emthumasi Agricultural…Total views: 81
Sobhede Junior Secondary School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Umzimvubu Local Municipality Located In The District Of Mt Frere. Mount…Total views: 81
Find a boarding school in South Africa. Browse Boarding Schools in South Africa. This comprehensive list of boarding schools in all over the country. Browse Boarding Schools in all provinces.
Keep an open mind about what you think boarding school might be like. The best way to learn about boarding schools is to visit one – you can learn the most about boarding school life by simply being on campus and talking to current students about their experiences.
Parents send their teenagers to boarding schools for many reasons. They choose them to give their children a better academic education or because they want their children to learn to live independently. Some children are given better opportunities at excelling in sport when enrolled at a boarding school. Browse boarding schools and find a boarding school for your child.
You will find Boarding Schools within a short distance of nearly every major metropolitan city in South Africa.