Public Primary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is City Of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Located In The District Of Johannesburg…Total views: 1432
Kingsridge High School For Girls
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Buffalo City Local Municipality Located In The District Of King Williams…Total views: 1285
Cwele Public Junior Secondary School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Nyandeni Local Municipality Located In The District Of Libode. Cwele Tribal…Total views: 1079
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality Located In The District Of Umlazi. 809 L…Total views: 1019
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is City Of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Located In The District Of Johannesburg…Total views: 930
Tarkastad High School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Tsolwana Local Municipality Located In The District Of Cradock. Bruton Street,Tarkastad,Total views: 847
Maria Louw Senior Secondary School
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Lukanji Local Municipality Located In The District Of Queenstown. 6 Scholars…Total views: 835
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Naledi Local Municipality Located In The District Of Motheo. 1 CARROLL…Total views: 755
Public Primary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Polokwane Local Municipality Located In The District Of Polokwane. 45 GROBLER…Total views: 716
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Agriculture. Local Municipality Is Maluti A Phofung Local Municipality Located In The District Of Thabo Mofutsanyana.…Total views: 714
Pax College is a secondary school located at Vaalkop, Mashashane, Limpopo Province, South Africa. The school's EMIS number is 904221241 Public…Total views: 713
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Greater Kokstad Local Municipality Located In The District Of Sisonke. MARIA…Total views: 695
We Offer: Grades 1–3 (Foundation Phase): Outcome based education. Grades 4–6 (Intermediate Phase): Outcome based education. Grades 7–9 (Senior Phase): Outcome…Total views: 581
Muir College Boys High School
Public Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Located In The District Of Uitenhage.…Total views: 578
Public Secondary School, Specialising In Comprehensive. Local Municipality Is Moqhaka Local Municipality Located In The District Of Fezile Dabi. NORTH ROAD,MOREWAG,KROONSTAD,9500Total views: 573
Public Primary School, Specialising In Primary Subjects. Local Municipality Is Umdoni Local Municipality Located In The District Of Ugu. 560 COMPTONDALE…Total views: 521
Find a boarding school in South Africa. Browse Boarding Schools in South Africa. This comprehensive list of boarding schools in all over the country. Browse Boarding Schools in all provinces.
Keep an open mind about what you think boarding school might be like. The best way to learn about boarding schools is to visit one – you can learn the most about boarding school life by simply being on campus and talking to current students about their experiences.
Parents send their teenagers to boarding schools for many reasons. They choose them to give their children a better academic education or because they want their children to learn to live independently. Some children are given better opportunities at excelling in sport when enrolled at a boarding school. Browse boarding schools and find a boarding school for your child.
You will find Boarding Schools within a short distance of nearly every major metropolitan city in South Africa.