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Hostel - Waterfield House
Waterfield house, the High School Hostel, is a spacious modern facility. Attached to the main buildings and in close proximity to all school activities, the girls enjoy the facilities and security of the school at all times.

The Hostel caters specifically for High School pupils. Girls up to Grade 10 share pleasant four-bed dormitories. The senior girls have their own rooms. The sunny dining room is serviced by a fully equipped kitchen that supplies three healthy meals a day. Facilities for the girls include a prep-room, music rooms, TV and recreation room, and a modern computer network. A fully equipped sick bay, in-house laundry and a coffee room for matrics also cater for the well being of the girls.

The Superintendent and resident Matrons are fully qualified to ensure the efficient daily running of the Hostel and supervision of the boarders. Rules and the regulations enable successful management, ensuring a harmonious living environment.

The girls are encouraged to and do participate the typical “Boarder Spirit” in all facets of school life. Special event dinners and interaction with the boarders from their brother school Grey, contribute to their social life.

At Waterfield House the girls develop independence, self-discipline and the ability to look after themselves. With tolerance of others outside their immediate family, they grow and become aware of the broader community and its needs.

Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Located In The District Of Port Elizabeth. Kestell Street,Port Elizabeth,Greenacres,6057

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A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word “boarding” is used in the sense of “room and board” i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly.

Fewer Distractions. Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These young scholars usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning.