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Our slogan: One Lord, One Faith, One School, affirms our emphasis on Christian values. Learners are expected to attend church every Sunday where our own Pastor Hlabangana shares bringing the message with clergy from other denominations. These services are supported with the beautiful voices of our psalmody team.

Postal Address: PO Box 2435 VEREENIGING 1930

Street Address: R716 Deneysville Road, Viljoensdrift 9580

Telephone nr: 016 457 2011

Fax nr: 016 457 2013



Independent Combined School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Metsimaholo Local Municipality Located In The District Of Fezile Dabi. CORNER QUARRY AND JABULA STREET, VAAL TOWNSHIP, VILJOENSDRIFT, 1930.

As an institution relying on Godly Ubuntu, reflecting Christian morals and standards, Vaal Christian School believes strongly in educating and training our Learners from a biblical standpoint.

Sunday Services form a highlight at our Hostel. Pastor Hlabangana, our Spiritual Leader, will conduct Sunday Services. From time to time he will also utilise the services of guest preachers, choirs and a variety of Christian contributors.

This platform also makes use of our School choir, a group that has won many accolades in our area.

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A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word “boarding” is used in the sense of “room and board” i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly.

Fewer Distractions. Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These young scholars usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning.