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Hoërskool Brits, topskool in Noordwes. Sedert 1942.


Ons leerders gee die toon aan. Vir meer as ‘n dekade bykans ‘n 100% matriekslaagsyfer.

Met bekwame afrigters en puik fasiliteite is dit voor die hand liggend dat ons leerders op die hoogste vlak kan deelneem en presteer.

Daar is min skole in die land wat die verskeidenheid kultuuraktiwiteite aanbied wat ons hier by Hoërskool Brits aanbied.

Ons beheerliggaam beskik oor breë finansiële-, mediese-, pastorale-, konstruksie-, besigheid- en opvoedings-agtergrond en kennis.

Top prestasies van leerders en puik onderwysers gaan hand aan hand.

WR Joycekoshuis is onlangs aangewys as die bes onderhoude koshuis in Noordwes.

Gemiddelde leerders kry hier die geleentheid om uit te styg. Ons gee om vir mekaar en vir die gemeenskap wys dit ook met ons uitreikaksies.

Public Secondary School, Specialising In Comprehensive. Local Municipality Is Madibeng Local Municipality Located In The District Of Madibeng. 1 JOHAN STREET,BRITS,0189

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    As shown above we list all boarding school information. We make it easy for you to contact any boarding school directly. in addition you can find schools in a similar area or province.

    A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word “boarding” is used in the sense of “room and board” i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly.

    Fewer Distractions. Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These young scholars usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning.