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VHS is a dual medium (of instruction), multi-cultural school of excellence where every learner has the opportunity to develop into a well educated, morally sound, responsible and compassionate adult who can make a valuable contribution to the future of our country.

By Hoërskool Vryheid is ons hoogste prioriteit dat elke leerling sy volle potensiaal bereik. Om dit te kan bereik, voorsien ons voortreflike, kulturele, moedertaalopvoeding en -onderwys met 'n Christelike karakter, sodat ons leerlinge eendag as volwaardige landsburgers hul bydrae in die samelewing op intellektuele, sosiale, emosionele, morele en godsdienstige gebiede kan lewer.

At Vryheid High School, the care and development of the individual person is our foremost concern. We believe in developing every learner's potential and this is done in an environment that provides for intellectual, social, emotional and a spiritually-centered moral growth. Thus, our learners will one day become useful and worthy members of the community.

Public Secondary School, Specialising In Ordinary School. Local Municipality Is Abaqulusi Local Municipality Located In The District Of Zululand. CORNER REPUBLIC AND CHURCH STREET,,VRYHEID EAST,VRYHEID,3100

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A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word “boarding” is used in the sense of “room and board” i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly.

Fewer Distractions. Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These young scholars usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning.