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Situated on top of a hill and overlooking grand views of the Karkloof and the spectacle of the snow clad Drakensberg Mountains during clear winter days - Wartburg Kirchdorf School is an attractive alternative to the humdrum of the big city.

Located within the confines of the Wartburg Village (about 30kms outside Pietermaritzburg), the school embraces an ethos steeped in the proud traditions of the greater rural community. A heritage that stretches back to 1881, when the original Wartburg and Kirchdorf schools were built.

Co-educational in structure and offering an educational progression from Pre-Primary to Grade 12 (all within one campus) the school prides itself in the personal attention it offers to its learners.

We are proud of our 130+ year history and relish the challenges that our future might hold.

Success or failure of any undertaking is caused more by mental attitude than mental capacity and the learners that pass through our school certainly leave with the right work ethic and heart attitude that helps them take on the challenges that life brings them.

Your child’s future starts here.


Great emphasis is placed on a vigorous and disciplined approach to academic success. Steady application to study throughout the year is encouraged by the inclusion of a year mark component in determining end of year promotion marks.


The Learners school career is divided into four phases:
Foundation Phase: Gr 00, 0 & R-3
Intermediate Phase: Gr 4-6
GET Phase: Gr 7-9
FET Phase: Gr 10-12 Phase
As a progressive school, our aim is to equip each child with life skills, which will produce socially and emotionally well-adjusted, happy confident and intellectually resourceful human beings with a positive self-image. The programme is designed around themes and includes a variety of indoor and outdoor activities intended to stimulate young, enquiring minds.

Junior Primary Phase
Afrikaans is introduced in Grade 3 and German is taught to those learners whose home language is German. All education is CASS based and emphasis is placed on Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

Intermediate Phase

The syllabus in this phase is geared to developing skills in Languages (English, Afrikaans and isiZulu), Mathematics, Natural and Social Sciences, Technology, Economics and Management Sciences, Arts and Culture as well as Life Orientation. German is offered as an additional language to the German-speaking learners.

Senior Phase
The school offers the following subjects:

Grades 7, 8 and 9 - G E T Band
Learners are subjected to a compulsory range of learning areas, which include: English, Afrikaans or IsiZulu and German, Social Sciences (History and Geography), Technology, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Arts and Culture, Economics and Management Sciences and Life Orientation.

Learners acquire their NQF (Level 1) at the end of this phase.

Grades 10, 11 and 12 F E T Band
English, Afrikaans or IsiZulu, Life Orientation, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, Physical Science, Life Science, Business Studies, Geography, Consumer Studies & German. A DSD option in German is also available.

We pride ourselves on the academic and sporting achievements of our Learners as our results consistently indicate. We have had National representatives in golf, hockey, angling and cycling, and Regional representatives in rugby, hockey, cricket, swimming and athletics.

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A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word “boarding” is used in the sense of “room and board” i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly.

Fewer Distractions. Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These young scholars usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning.