Table 53: Percentage distribution of households who were prevented from engaging in daily activities, as
a result of crime in their area, 2016/17
Households prevented from engaging in daily activities
Number in thousands Per cent
Going to open spaces 4 820 31,5
Allowing children to play in area 2 458 19,9
Walk to town 2 026 15,0
Dressing in any way 1 802 11,3
Walk to shops 1 770 11,3
Public transport 1 747 11,5
Allowing children to walk to school 1 668 13,9
Starting a home business 1 623 12,1
Expressing sexual orientation 1 489 9,3
Keeping livestock 846 11,1
Walking to fetch water 549 6,0
Table 53 summarises the distribution of households who were prevented from engaging in daily
activities. The VOCS 2016/17 data shows that, due to the fear of crime, the majority of households were
prevented from going to open spaces (31,5%), allowing children to play in their area (19,9%) and walking
to town (15,0%). About 13,9% of households that have children were prevented from allowing their
children to walk to school due to the fear of crime.